WP Bakery Page Builder and Oasis Workflow compatibility

WP Backery is one of the widely used page builder plugins.

If your team is using WP Bakery Page Builder for editing the pages using their “FrontEnd Editor”, OR “Backend Editor” and you are also looking to review those changes before it’s  published, then Oasis Workflow can help.

Users can continue to edit their pages via the WP Bakery Backend or Frontend editor. By programmatically hiding the “Publish” button from the WP Bakery Sticky menu, you can force your users to submit the changes to an editorial workflow.

Here’s how you can hide the “Publish” button from sticky menu of WP Bakery.

Add an action for “admin_head” in your theme’s functions.php

add_action('admin_footer', 'hide_vc_publish_button');
function hide_vc_publish_button() { 
 echo '<style>
   .vc_navbar .vc_btn-save {
     display: none !important;
    #wpb-save-post {
      display: none !important;

Here’s how the process will work.

For new posts:

  1. The users continue to use the FrontEnd or BackEnd Editor to make changes.
  2. Once done, they save the draft and then return to the backend editor.
  3. Users then submit the post to a workflow using “Submit to Workflow” button.

For Published posts:

  1. Users first make a revision of the post. This will create a ‘Copy-of’ the published post. To make a revision, users can either use the “Make Revision short code” OR simply create a revision from the Backend.
  2. The users use the FrontEnd or BackEnd editor to make changes to the revision.
  3. Once done, they save the draft and then return to the backend editor.
  4. Users then submit the post to a workflow using “Submit to Workflow” button.