Emails and Notifications

Emails and notifications are integral part of any editorial workflow management system.

Oasis Workflow makes optimal use of emails and in most cases it serves as a notification to the user for an action item.
Here is the list of various actions that trigger an email notification:

  • When a task is assigned – All assignees get an email when a task is assigned to them. The contents of the assignment email can be personalized and customized for each step. You can do so, by updating a given workflow step.
    When an assignment email goes out, it also contains any comments given by the user during task sign off.
  • When the task is due (Reminder Emails) – Reminder Emails are sent out to all the assignees who haven’t completed their task. As with assignment emails, reminder emails can also be personalized and customized for each step. You can do so, by updating a given workflow step.
    Reminder emails and Due dates work in conjunction with each other. If the due date is not required, reminder emails will NOT be sent out. You can configure to send out reminder emails before and after the due date.

            Tip: If your organization doesn’t work with due dates, you can hide due dates by simply unchecking all the check boxes under “Task reminder Settings” section.

  • When a task is claimed – When a task is claimed by a user (applicable to publish and assignment steps only), all other assignees get a notification to ignore the task since it’s been claimed by another user.
  • When the post/page is published – When a post or page is published the author of the post/page is notified about it. You can turn off this notification under “Email Settings”.
  • When a post/page is updated outside the workflow by a non-assignee – If a post/page is modified by a non-assignee all the current assignees get a notification. This is especially required, when your organization wants to follow strict guidelines on who and when an article gets modified. You can turn off this notification under “Email Settings”.

Oasis Workflow relies on WordPress (wp_mail) to send out emails. If for some reason, the emails are not coming, you may want to try an setup SMTP with authentication for email delivery OR check with your hosting provider.

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