
The Oasis Workflow front end shortcodes are available with the “Oasis Workflow Front End Actions Add-on“.

The [ow_make_revision_link] shortcode is used to display a “Make Revision” link/button anywhere on your site. This shortcode will show the “Make Revision” link only for logged in users and users who have access to ow_make_revision or ow_make_revision_others capability.

The shortcode accepts a few optional parameters:

  • post_id – ID of the post.
  • text – the text displayed on the button
  • type – the style of the make revision link, either “button” or “text”
  • class – one or more custom CSS classes you want applied to the button


[ow_make_revision_link post_id=1234 text="Make Revision" type="button" class="blue"]

Example 2 :  (when including the short code in theme code)

echo do_shortcode('[ow_make_revision_link text="Make Revision" type="button" class="btn-make-revision"]');


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