
Is your Content your Brand Image?

Posted at 7:51 pm on Apr 26, 2021

“As of January 2021 there were 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide – 59.5 percent of the global population. Of this total, 92.6 percent (4.32 billion) accessed the internet via mobile devices” (Source: Statista).

It is absolutely harder to imagine life without the internet. It has become the “core pillar of modern information society”. With smartphones, tablets and other handy devices it has become easy to access information anytime, anywhere. People now expect to acquire the best possible information at their fingertips to make informed decisions on everything and anything that makes their lives better. 

Online presence has become absolutely critical for every business to survive. And that’s just not enough, your content must persuade people to return, share, and comment further. Along with the elegant design of your website, content is the new experience to the visitors of your website. 

That being said, yes, your content is your new Brand Image. It can make or break your brand instantly. To foster positive experience you must deliver optimal and well-qualified content that is relevant and compelling enough to keep them engaged and sustain brand loyalty. 

So how do you ensure that you always publish the right content? It can be as simple as aligning your entire publication process with the right people, content and technology so they can communicate, collaborate effectively and efficiently. At the same time, applying required checks and balances at every stage of the process can reduce content errors and save on costly mistakes. 

This entire publication process can be streamlined and automated to further reduce your time and effort towards publishing an optimal content. This can be made quick and easy with Oasis Workflow. It allows you to create multiple custom workflows for efficient handling of content creation on your website. You can further standardize and bring strict adherence to your content publication using “Editorial Checklist”. This predefined checklist is like a recipe you must follow so you put the right ingredients at the right time to produce the perfect dish your customers will want to order over and over again. Try Oasis Workflow today!