Search Results for:Claim

Claim Your Task

Claim allows users to own a particular task.

Typically, assignment and publish tasks are assigned to a single individual, while review process can be assigned to multiple users.

In the case, when an assignment or a publish task gets assigned to multiple individuals, “Claim” comes into play.

Why Claim?
Typically writer tasks and publisher tasks are “one person” tasks. No two users are going to publish the same article. In such cases, it’s always better to have clear understanding of who owns the task.

Even though a task can be assigned to multiple users, one has to claim the task to own it. Oasis Workflow will only show the “Claim” option if it finds a conflict in task assignment.

Once a task is claimed, the task is deleted from the inbox of other users. The person who claimed the task can then go about doing his/her work and eventually sign off from the task.

Pre-Claim Filter


The action filter is executed when the user is trying to claim a task.

Use this filter to add any pre validation before a user can claim a task. For example, if you want to limit the number of tasks a user can actively work on, you can restrict the user from claiming additional tasks.


add_filter( 'owf_claim_process_pre', array( 'pre_validate_claim', 10, 4 );


  • $validation_result – Array of Validation Messages. Add your validation message to this array.
  • $action_history_id – Action History ID, will be used to retrieve any information related to the current task.
  • $post_id – ID of the post.
  • $user_id – ID of the user claiming the task.


add_filter( 'owf_claim_process_pre', 'pre_validate_claim', 10, 4 );

// a user cannot have more than 5 assignments in his/her inbox.
function pre_validate_claim( $validation_result, $action_history_id, $post_id, $user_id ) {
   // sanitize data
   $action_history_id = intval( $action_history_id );
   $post_id = intval( $post_id );
   $user_id = intval( $user_id );
   $assigned_task_count = 0;

   $ow_process_flow = new OW_Process_Flow();

   $assigned_tasks = $ow_process_flow->get_assigned_post( null, $user_id );

   foreach( $assigned_tasks as $assigned_task ) {
      if( ! $ow_process_flow->check_for_claim( $assigned_task->ID) ) { // if this task is already claimed

   if ( $assigned_task_count >= 2 ) {
      $error_messages[] = __( "You cannot claim additional tasks, since you already have more than 5 assignments.", 'oasisworkflow' );
      $validation_result = array_merge( $validation_result, $error_messages );

   return $validation_result;

Source Code

The filter is located in class-ow-process-flow.php

Update Post Author After Claim

Use the following hook implementation to update post author after claim.


add_action( "owf_claim_action", "update_post_author", 10, 2 );


$action_histories : array of action histories for the claim action.
$new_history_id : new history id created after the claim action.


add_action( "owf_claim_action", "update_post_author", 10, 2 );

function update_post_author( $action_histories, $new_history_id ) {
   global $wpdb;   
   $ow_history_service = new OW_History_Service();
   $claimed_post_history = $ow_history_service->get_action_history_by_id( $new_history_id );

   // Get post id and assigned task user.
   $post_id = $claimed_post_history->post_id;
   $post_claimed_user = $claimed_post_history->assign_actor_id;

   // update the post author here

Source Code

The filter is located in class-ow-process-flow.php.

Oasis Workflow is a powerful, flexible, and visual way to automate your WordPress Editorial Review Process.

Get rid of those out-of-date spreadsheets and multiple to-do-sticky notes for managing your editorial workflow. Oasis Workflow plugin is designed to keep your editorial process flowing in an organized fashion.

Feature-Packed Editorial Workflows

A flexible set of tools that powers editorial review processes for WordPress sites of all sizes.

Extremely Flexible

From simple 1-step process to a multi-step, multi-user process

Built for WordPress

Works within the ecosystem of WordPress.

Perfectly Scaled

Suitable for all types of businesses running on WordPress.

Workflow Designer

Intuitive drag and drop workflow builder.

oasis-features oasis-features-hover Free updates for 1 year We provide free updates for a period of 1 year and renewals are discounted by 40%
oasis-features oasis-features-hover World Class Support No matter what package you choose we provide free support.
oasis-features oasis-features-hover Trusted Thousands of small and large WordPress sites use Oasis Workflow to power their editorial review processes.
Got Questions? We'd love to talk to you.
What Makes Oasis Workflow Special?
Other than seamlessly integrating workflows with WordPress and world-class support, here are a few more reasons to go with Oasis Workflow
Creating custom workflows with Oasis Workflow is as simple as 1-2-3.
  • Simply drag and drop the processes in the workflow design area
  • Connect each of these processes with a pass/fail link.
  • Provide information for each step in the workflow.

You can create workflows in minutes.

Want to update published content WITHOUT taking it offline?

With Oasis Workflow’s revision feature you can revise your published content, let the revision flow through the workflow and finally when the review is complete, let Oasis Workflow copy over the contents to the published article.

Learn More

  1. nullZero Downtime for Your Published ArticlesKeep your published article online while working on it's revision.
  2. nullCustom WorkflowsControl your review process with dedicated workflows for revised articles.
  3. nullNo Hassle RevisionsAll content including metadata, attachments, taxonomies, tags are copied/revised out of the box. Use Oasis Workflows hooks to extend copy/make revision feature.
  4. nullSchedule a Revision UpdateSchedule or publish your revised articles at a set date/time.
Process history lets users retrace their steps
  • Captures user and system actions executed in a workflow.
  • Allows to view review comments, sign off timestamps, status and step information.
  • Download the history for further analysis or audit purposes.
Auto Submit to Workflow
  • Allows you to automate your workflow initiation process.
  • Auto launch your workflow by specifying conditions once and sit back and relax. The auto submit engine will process your articles every 2 hours.
  • Saves times and lets you optimize your workflow management.

Learn More

Elementor Integration
  •  Seamless integration with Elementor
  • Authors can “Submit to Workflow”, Assign & Sign Off from within Elementor

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Oh Yeah, There’s more
Custom Statuses

Define custom statuses for your editorial workflow. Out of the box, WordPress offers “Draft”, “Pending Review”, “Publish” and “Scheduled”. With custom statuses you can define your own post statuses and assign it to the success or failure path of the workflow.

Role-Based Routing Definitions Allow You to Assign Tasks Dynamically

Eliminate the bottlenecks caused by using named resources in the approval process. By using role-based routing, you can ensure that your process moves forward as quickly as possible without sacrificing accountability.

Task Inbox

Inbox is the heart of the end user experience in Oasis Workflow. The inbox is designed to be simple to use and similar to a regular E-mail inbox. Users can view their current assignments and sign off their tasks once it’s completed.

Due Date and Email reminders

With due dates and email reminders you can be sure to make your publication process smooth, transparent, and publish your articles on time.

Cancel or Terminate a workflow process

If for some reason you decide to abort a running workflow OR publish the article outside a workflow, you can simply terminate the workflow process.

Claim Your Task

Claim allows users to own a particular task.

Typically, assignment and publish tasks are assigned to a single individual, while review process can be assigned to multiple users.

In the case, when an assignment or a publish task gets assigned to multiple individuals, “Claim” comes into play.

Why Claim?
Typically writer tasks and publisher tasks are “one person” tasks. No two users are going to publish the same article. In such cases, it’s always better to have clear understanding of who owns the task.

Even though a task can be assigned to multiple users, one has to claim the task to own it. Oasis Workflow will only show the “Claim” option if it finds a conflict in task assignment.

Once a task is claimed, the task is deleted from the inbox of other users. The person who claimed the task can then go about doing his/her work and eventually sign off from the task.

Very Happy Customer
Greg Griffin

I’ve been happy with the workflow product out of the box, and ecstatic with the level of support we’re getting. Whether our questions are usage or configuration oriented, or feature requests to improve the product, the Oasis team is very receptive to the feedback, expedient in their responses, and helpful towards solving our needs.

Out-Of-The-Box Workflow Functionality Works Like a Charm

With the Oasis Workflow plugin, editorial tasks can be done in an easy way and within 15 minutes I was able to let the team work on their tasks without any problems. Creating workflows is as easy as breathing the air, thanks to a nice graphical interface.

Perfect Solution to WordPress Approval Process

Oasis Workflow was the perfect fit for our needs. We needed a clean and easy solution for our client’s staff to edit and update already published content (Pages) but have an approval required prior to the changes being published.

Amazing Product, Amazing Support

Can’t believe the versatility of this product. It has saved hundreds on project development costs. Support is phenomenal, response from development team was beyond anything I have ever experienced. Well worth the purchase price. Highly recommended!

Really Easy to Work With Complex Workflows

If you are looking for a workflow plugin working out-of-the-box with a rich feature set, and enabling you to create complex workflows with many users/roles, we do totally recommend Oasis Workflow.

Top Class Plugin
John L

The interface is simple to use and will allow you to employ publishing workflows with full audit trails and user notification.
This plugin has been long overdue in WordPress and Oasis Workflow Pro delivers a well thought out solution with excellent support.

Build Your Editorial Review Process In Minutes, Not Months View Plans & Pricing